Saturday 12 October 2013

BLOW OUT -- CIRCA 2012!!

I lightly blew out my hair.

This tool right here is a life saver in the real sense of the word. Literally it prevents headaches and saves me a ton of hair on ocassions when i need to get my hair into braids with extensions or weave-ons. It makes parting my hair much much easier. My "fights" in the braiding salons are almost non-existent.

I dont constantly use the hand dryer but on the few days that i do i always use a heat protectant.

Roots were still puffy

Needed a trim

80% stretched. I could not quiet get the roots.


                                                                      Monster Bun

                                                                   side view


                                                                     Edge action

Blow dried and then slattered with coconut oil (pure softness). Gathered everything up with an ouchless hair band and created my best bun yet




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i wonder hw long ur hair will be if permed.......dis is God has blessd u sweedy
