Tuesday 18 March 2014


I am not a newbie when it comes to bantu knots but over the years what i usually do is bantu knot only the front section of my hair and leave the back sections loose.


Well the title of this post is scary. I only cut a few inches off my hair. This year is all about better and a healthy hair journey. I will like to call it a much needed trim.
Just a few inches from my length and my wash days go soo fast. My hair has got a lot of body and character now. Am enjoying my current length.

AU NATURALE for 2014!!!!

Hi everyone,
I am soo late with this post but i will fill you in on all that i have been up to since January with respect to shindigs concerning my hair.
So i decided at the beginning of the year to shake up my hair regime drastically. It was a major shake y'all!!!!. Some of the changes i made are ridiculous but "its just hair, if it falls out i will nurture it back". Lol
Below are the changes i have made and they are all jeered towards a better and healthy hair journey.

1. I have stopped combing or detangling my hair with any combs (wide tooth or small tooth combs). What i do instead is finger detangling. If you dont understand please watch this video below from afroDiva Nally.